Guest Speaker Series
On July 22nd our guest speaker via ZOOM was Beth Mitchell, Sebastian Inlet District Commissioner.

Beth Mitchell was first elected in 2004 and is currently serving in her fifth four-year term as Commissioner for the Sebastian Inlet District, Seat 2, Indian River County. She has served as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer during her 16-year tenure.
Beth has been active with coastal issues for more than thirty years and has lived on the east coast of Florida for over forty-five years. She recently retired as the President of the Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce after eighteen years of service. Prior to that, Beth was the VP of Operations for American Coastal Engineering and dedicated her efforts to alternative technology for erosion control on the beaches with submerged breakwater technology.
The Inlet District was created in 1919 and there are 5 seats – 3 from Brevard County and 2 from Indian River County. There are 60 inlets in Florida. The Sebastian Inlet District was created by state legislature and charged with keeping the inlet navigable by dredging out of the inlet and depositing to the shoreline to the south. Dredging of the inlet and sand trays occurs every 3-4 years. The inlet is second only to the Boynton Beach Inlet for being treacherous for navigation because it is one of the narrowest. The Inlet State Park was created in 1971 and operates under the Office of Florida State Parks. The Inlet Commission has a strong partnership with parks officials.
In 2007 permitting was approved to open the channel and connect the inlet to the intercoastal. The channel helps to eliminate traffic on the grass beds and protects the beds from “prop scars.” The Sebastian Inlet is the most researched and studied inlet and is used as a model for research and science. There is a strong relationship which continues with Florida Institute of Technology. Monitoring the mitigated sea grass beds continues today and information is shared with the Indian River Lagoon Council and others. There has been some recovery reported and beds in the zones within the Inlet District footprint which are almost back to normal.
There is a brochure available on the inlet web site that shows proper navigation of the channel connecting to the intercoastal. Beth suggested that we download it and share with our Blue Water Open participants. For more information visit sebastianinletdistrict.com.
On July 29th our club meeting was held via ZOOM. Michael Natale, Immediate Past President led the meeting in Ali Qizilbash’s absence. There was no speaker, so we had open discussion with those who attended:
- Margie Duffell reported that our ACE winner, Rian Butler did not win the $15,000 scholarship given out at National Convention. The young lady who did win had a very compelling story and certainly deserved the recognition she received. To view her video you can visit the National Exchange Site > Convention > Enter Event > scroll down to Saturday 2:00 p.m. National Youth Awards and click on “view recording.”
- Terry Gardner reported that she and Ali Qizilbash prepared backpacks which she delivered last week to Gifford Youth Achievement Center. Eight backpacks were stuffed with back to school supplies for distribution to the kids.
- Phil Barnes has received final permit from the City of Sebastian for the 2020 Junior Blue Water Open at Riverview Park on October 24th. Most of the preparation has already been done and he will be getting committee members together soon. Kids participating will be from Boys & Girls Club and Youth Guidance.
- Phil Barnes also reported two positive Corona cases among his staff. All other members have been tested and were negative. None of the kids have become sick. Youth Guidance will be closed for 2 weeks and the kids at home until mid-August.
- Rick Giteles commended Rene VanDeVoorde for the tedious task of collecting trash up and down Roseland Road. Rene spends about 2 hours each day doing this and says he has collected many interesting articles!
ZOOM only will be the meeting format for the remainder of July.
This and That
Phil Barnes has arranged for us to install a Freedom Shrine at the Youth Guidance center.
Community Involvement
Terry Gardner and Ali Qizilbash gather backpacks for Gifford Youth Achievement Center Drive
On July 22nd Ali Qizilbash and Terry Gardner met to distribute backpacks to Gifford Youth Achievement Center for its back to school drive. Terry spearheaded this undertaking of shopping and stuffing the school supplies into the backpacks. Thank you so much for your efforts Terry and thank you for agreeing to chair our Community Involvement Committee!
Terry Gardner & Keisha of GYAC
SPD Community Involvement
We swore in our newest Police Officers! Both officers have been a part of our family for a couple of years now. Officer Bansil has been a Police Explorer and Volunteer and Officer McElvy has been one of our Police Explorers as well. Please join us in congratulating them on completing the Police Academy and joining the force under these unprecedented circumstances! We are fortunate and extremely happy they chose to continue to be a part of our family!
Corporal Richie Revis with Jery
K-9 Jeronimo “Jery”, retired on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, after loyally serving the City of Sebastian for the past nine years.
Jery started his career with the Sebastian Police Department on June 6, 2011. He went on to complete his training and passed his FDLE Certification in September of 2011. During his career with the Sebastian Police Department, Jery was deployed approximately 382 times. He has located two suicidal persons and has been credited with many arrests, including charges of murder, attempted murder, grand theft auto, robbery, burglary, fleeing and eluding LEO, aggravated battery, and narcotics.
K-9 Jery will spend the remainder of his life living with his partner, Corporal Ritchie Revis, and his family enjoying the A/C, living in luxury, eating doggy num-nums, watching Animal Planet and reruns of Paw Patrol. Most police dogs retire after about 7 to 8 years. Most breeds who tend to work as K9’s live on average 11 to 14 years, depending on the breed.
A special thank you to members of Sebastian River Medical Center and Bark Avenue for their generous treats and gifts for K-9 Jery’s retirement. He is already enjoying the benefits of retired life!
On July 17th Sebastian Police Officer Jason Gillette and others joined the Vero Beach Police in a drive-by thank you to the medical staff of the Cleveland Clinic. Also participating were Indian River County Sheriff’s members and Indian River County Fire Rescue members. This show of appreciation was enthusiastically welcomed by medical staff who came out to acknowledge the procession of vehicles complete with horns and sirens sounding. (See video on Facebook)
Jason added that it truly means so much to the officers when our residents take time to greet them and thank them too for their service to our community!
The family of Rev. Dr. Jim Brown Pearce Sr. hand delivered a plaque of gratitude to Sergeant Steve Marciniak for assisting Rev. Pearce several years ago in a time of need. A humbled Sgt. Marcinik said, “I was just doing what we do in Sebastian”, as he was clearly caught off guard from the amazing sentiment from Rev. Pearce’s children. Thank you to the Pearce family for the recognition and great job Sgt. Marcinik!
This Quarter’s Visitors –
Please Come Again!
07-22-20 Laurie Collins, District Director Division #2
Laurie is a member of the Exchange Club of Treasure Coast. She has served as the club’s president twice and in other initiatives. Her district includes the Exchange Clubs of Vero Beach, Indian River, Treasure Coast and Pathfinders Excel Club at Youth Guidance. Glad you visited our Zoom meeting and we invite you to return whenever you are able.
District Director Rene’s Corner
Sebastian Club: Rene reports the scholarship recipients of the Sebastian Exchange Club Scholarship Foundation for 2020 are:
Leticia Ovalle $2,000
Alexander Ortiz Velez $2,000
Madison Hula $2,000
Sofia Carmona $2,000
Alyssa Sturgeon $1,000
(H.R. “Rappy” Perez Scholarship)
Adam Preuss Student Chairman has announced the following recipients:
Youth of the Year:
Alexander Ortiz Velez $1000
Alyssa Sturgeon $1000
Rian Butler $1000
Rian’s application/essay was also awarded the District Scholarship of $2500 and was advanced to compete at the National Convention. Congratulations, Rian!
District President Gerson Rodriguez with Rian Butler and SRHS Advisor Jaime Sturgeon
Indian River Club: The club held its 4th Annual Toss Out Child Abuse Charity Cornhole Tournament on March 7th at Walking Tree Brewery. Thirty sets of partners teamed up, some arriving early to warm up and hoist a few limited-edition craft beers made especially for the tournament. A total of $3000 was raised for the prevention of child abuse and other local youth-oriented activities. Congratulations Indian River Club for your successes!
Fellsmere Club: Due to the Covid19 Virus the 2020 Shrimpfest & Craft Brew Hullabaloo scheduled for Friday, March 20th through Sunday March 22nd was cancelled. Watch the website at shrimpfestfl.com for any rescheduling possibilities.
This is a joint effort with the Rotary Club of Sebastian and will raise funds to support youth sports and organizations throughout north Indian River County.
Greater Palm Bay Club: The club cancelled its Junior Fishing Tournament at Pineapple Park in Melbourne scheduled for Saturday April 18th. Contact Ron Smith for more information at ronlsmith45@gmail.com.
The One Nation Under God Pancake Breakfast will be held on Saturday November 21st. Location to be determined.
A car show is planned for the future – date to be determined.
The next full Moon will occur on Monday, August 3, 2020,
at 11:59AM ET, and is known as the Full Sturgeon Moon, named after the freshwater fish found in lakes and rivers
North America. It is also known as the Barley Moon,
Fruit Moon, and the Grain Moon.
Officer Steve Marcinik
Calendar of Events
08/05 – No Meeting (Board Only) via ZOOM
08/12 – Lyse McDonough on Identity Theft via ZOOM
08/19 – John Johanson from AZAN Shrine on Shriners Hospitals / Burn Centers and Treatment Centers
08/26 – Lou Abru, Cyber Security Specialist for Federal Govt.
August Birthdays
Lori Reilly 08/15
Gayle Heath 08/16
Ellen Smith VanDeVoorde 08/22
Eva Chapman 08/23
Kathy Gutierrez 08/24
August Anniversaries
Sean Prescott 1 Year
Youth Guidance (Phil Barnes) 3 Years
Sebastian Police (Jason Gillette) 6 Years
Kathy Gutierrez 35 Years
Our American Flag – Did You Know?
- If it touches the ground and is not soiled it does not need to be disposed of
- It can be washed or dry cleaned
- The proper way to dispose of it is to deliver to the American Legion or VFW for proper burning and burial
- It must be illuminated at night
- There are 13 folds in the triangle. The triangle represents the hat that the patriots wore during the revolutionary war
- The 21-gun salute was originated as the ships welcome to vessels coming into the harbor (8-6-7)
- While a prisoner on an English ship Francis Scott Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner
- The flag never fell fully to the ground, but was held at a 45-degree angle by bodies of patriots who had died
- The English gave up the war when they could not get the flag fall to the ground