The Blue Water open Charity Fishing Tournament was once again a great success, and thanks to George C. Von Kantor of Von Kantor & Associates, Inc., Commercial Photography - Printing & Graphic Design, WWW.VONKANTOR.COM 772 918-8039 George provided us with some great
TD Bank Sponsors Blue Water Open Charity Fishing Event
TD Bank is a major sponsor of the Blue Water Open This year they have donated at the Platinum Level. The Exchange Club of Sebastian thanks you for your support. The countless children of Indian River County would also like to thank the folks at TD Bank!! Exchange Club of Sebastian Fl
2016 Tournament Rules
2016 Blue Water Open Tournament Rules
The Blue Water Open Fishing Tournement
Each year our Exchange Club of Sebastian, Fl, sponsors a fishing tournament. Most of the planning, activities and prizes are donated and performed by the members of the Exchange Club of Sebastian. The funds raised go to sponsor charities and local schools in support of our youth here in Indian River
Our New Website
It's a New Year, and we anticipate the 2016 is going to be our BEST YEAR YET for the Blue Water Open Charity Fishing tournament! If you have friends coming into town around June 4th, and you own a boat, then come on out, sign up and fish until you win a prize!!