Last night's VIP Sponsor Party was amazing! And not just because we all had a grand time. It was amazing to see all of these people, from all different ages, all different professions come together and once again donate to our Blue Water Open Charity Fishing Tournament. All of this was put on by
Who Needs a Good Reason To Go Fishin?
The State of Virginia very kindly posted a list of reasons why one should go fishing, you know, just in case you need a reason. I should add one more, it's for the kids!! " 10 good examples that might just offer you an excuse to call in sick to work or leave those “honey do’s”
Announcing the 2018 Blue Water Open
Last year's Blue Water Open Fishing for Charity Tournament was one of our best tournaments yet. But this year, this year is really special. It is our 25th Anniversary! That's right! The Exchange Club of Sebastian has been putting on the tournament for 25 years now!! And we do it
Blue Water Open is Coming Soon!
Last year we had a great turnout for the fishing tournament here in our sweet town of Sebastian Florida. We had a great turnout and the new location worked out well. This year we are fortunate to once again hold our fishing tournament at Captain Hirams. Our team took a short break over the summer
Alan Harshman Celebration of Life
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our dear friend and fellow Sebastian Exchange Club member Alan Harshman. Alan was an avid fisherman and dedicated philanthropist. In memory of this extraordinary man, there will be a celebration of his life on September
Thank You To Our Sponsors
2017 BWO SPONSORS SPONSOR CONTACT NAME A1 Plumbing By George, Inc. George Filip Academy Sports & Outdoors Tim Corkhill Adam Preuss Appraisal Services Adam Preuss Advance Plumbing Solutions Steve Vance Aloha
A Few Photos of Saturday’s Blue Water Open
I don't have to tell you that we were all a little concerned about the weather on Saturday. Despite some overcast skie at times, we made it through the entire tournament with NO Rain!! Thanks again to everyone who participated in this great event. A BIG Thank you to John Nardontonia
Wohoo!! More Sponsors!
It just goes to show you...its NEVER too late to sponsor a worthy cause. Blue Water Open Charity Fishing Tournament certainly is a worthy cause. With proceeds going towards helping students, families, food banks and so many other worthy causes here in the Sebastian area and beyond. Even if