We are not giving up. Originally, before this virus hit, our Blue Water Open Fishing Tournament was scheduled for May 30, 2020. As that date is looming, and there is no assurance that businesses will be back up and running by then, we have made the decision to move the Blue
Blue Water Open 2020
The Sebastian Exchange Club's Blue Water Open Charity Fishing Tournament is coming up again. It's only a couple of months away. We have Sponsor Packets available here on our site. Everyone who generously donates to our event gets their Logo and company information displayed on our site from the time
Blue Water Open Is Comng!!!
It's not long now. Our Annual Fishing for Charity will be here before you know it. On Friday evening, May 31, 2019 beginning at 5:00 Captain's registration is from 5-7:30 Captain's meeting is from 6:30 6:30 - 7:30 is basket drawings, live auction, 50/50 drawing, and Ireland
Blue Water Open Fishing Tournament is Coming!!
Before you know, it will be Saturday, June 1, 2019! We are already hard at work putting plans into place for our 26th Annual Blue Water Open Charity Fishing Tournament in Sebastian Florida. On March 14th, we held our VIP Sponsor party at CC's Place in Sebastian. There was scrumptious
Heads Up Everyone!!
We are all getting excited for our Annual Blue Water Open Fishing Tournament. Everything is ready to go. We have sponsors, we have gift baskets to raffle off, we have boats registering, and the Captain's Party is all set for Friday nite, June, 1!! Please Remember, Blue Water Open will be
The Tournament Is Nearly Here!!
It's getting closer. June 2nd is the big day. Are you ready? Have you submitted the paperwork to register your boat for the big day? This year's prize is our biggest yet. It's our 25th Anniversary of the Blue Water Open and we are really excited. The Sebastian community has really stepped in
When Is The Blue Water Open Fishing Tournament ?
On the off chance that you don't live around here and this is your first visit to our site I will tell you about the Blue Water Open Fishing For Charity Tournament which takes place in Sebastian Florida every spring. This year the tournament will once again be held at Capt'n Hirams in Sebastian.
Photo Album For 2017 Blue Water Open
Our 2017 Blue Water Open Charity Fishing Tournament was one of the best ever. Thank you to all the sponsors, boat captains and their crews and the volunteers who made this event possible !